Thursday, December 20, 2012

Five Weekly Highlights - December 14, 2012

·         Due to a variety of factors, our numbers are dropping in December! That’s good!
·         “Thom” got a new place and got a Good Luck Box.  “I’m inside for the winter!” he said.
·         We are trying out a new morning exercise option, to energize our guests for a productive day.
·         “Dan” got a new place after years of homelessness.  He is so excited.  He got a Good Luck Box, too.
·         Community supporter Edie brought by many helpful items.  Thanks!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Five (Actually 8!) Weekly Highlights - December 7, 2012

·         Lisa” just got a room!  She got a Good Luck box and is very happy.
·         Santa Claus came by with two elves (Julie and Emily from St. Anselm College) distributing gifts of socks for everyone.
·         Selected TEDtalks with positive themes have been well-received.
·         “Ike” came by to celebrate his new car; he beat the bottle and has held a job and housing for a year.
·         Project Homeless Connect at St. Joseph Cathedral gathered providers and resources for a day of giving to equip the homeless for the winter.  The Center and the Recipe for Success Program handled lunch.
·         Gary, our computer guru, equipped us with a better system. Thanks, Gary!
·         We welcomed Kelsey Grist as our new Americorps VISTA worker, filled with enthusiasm.
·         18 college students finished their work at the Center, fulfilling a variety of projects.